vineri, 6 ianuarie 2012

Transa Hipnotica in Simphony Pub, Baia-Mare

In urma cu aproximativ 2 ore am ajuns acasa de la Simphony Pub unde a avut loc seminarul cu tema “Hipnoza, Meditatie, Constiinta”. Vreau sa multumesc tuturor celor prezenti… in calitate de gazda m-am simtit minunat! Voi pune aici o secventa din inductia hipnotica de la finalul evenimentului.

In 7 februarie ne vom vedea din nou cu tema “Hipnoza in Medicina”…..

Va imbratisez cu drag!

2 comentarii:

  1. A brilliant idea - I am always amazed by public ignorance about the possibilities of change work. Bringing your ideas and skills to this context is fantastic work.. I elicited timelines in a pub once but it caused so much noise - through amazement - we had to stop.

    Brilliant work!

  2. Thank you, Andrew! .... I wonder...when and where on their timeline...people stop beliving in change? Is there a pattern?

    Congratulations on your work also!
    Perhaps you will share some NLP-hypnotic goodies with us soon. :)


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